Tuesday, October 14, 2008

taking care of your gemstone jewelry

You don't have to take in your jewelery to a store to have them cleaned & polished, you can do it your self in the comfort of your home. All you need is some liquid hand wash, an old toothbrush and some Luke warm water. We will take a ring for eg. rinse the ring in Luke warm water, then use a little soap on the bristles of the brush and start by thoroughly brushing the surface and rear of the ring. Make sure to get rid of all the dirt and grime on the rear of the ring. Once you have cleaned the ring, use a hair dryer to blow dry the remaining water vapour out of the ring. Once dried use a soft cotton cloth to polish the ring with it and....
Presto!!! it will be good as new.

And be rest assured that All natural gemstones and diamonds will not be damaged by this cleaning whatsoever!

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